Rolling element bearings are vibration generators, and in addition are stiff, so that they transmit rotor generated noise as well to the machine frame and casing. Self-acting (hydrodynamic) bearings are also very rigid, so that they are excellent transmitters of rotor generated vibration, e.g., front gear teeth, turbine blading, or magnetic hysteresis. A typical rotor weighing 1000 lb may be supported on bearings having a stiffness of 3 × 106 lb/in., and hence will be a good vibration transmitter up to a frequency of 172 cps. Hydrostatic bearings afford an opportunity to control the bearing frequency response so that attenuation of middle and high frequencies can be secured. Analysis of the hydrostatic bearing as a closed-loop servomechanism reveals methods of designing them for attenuation without serious consequences in other performance factors. They may be used as the primary bearing, or as separate isolator bearings in conjunction with rolling element or self-acting bearings. Some examples of possible applications are discussed.

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