Notes from the Associate Editors
Welcome to the first May issue of JSEE devoted primarily to wind energy. With this issue we move from one yearly issue featuring wind-energy articles to two yearly issues. This change enables us to more quickly publish papers from major wind-energy conferences, regardless of when they are held, and it was made possible by the large number of wind-energy articles we have received and published over the past few years.
Jane Davidson, JSEE technical editor for the past five years, retired from that post effective January 1, 2005. Jane worked very hard to increase the number of high-quality papers published in JSEE, and is, in large part, responsible for the good health of the journal today. We wish her well. Our new editor is Aldo Steinfeld, of the ETH–Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. We look forward to working with Aldo to make JSEE the world’s premier technical wind-energy journal.
Most of the technical papers included in this issue were initially presented at the Special Topic Conference, “The Science of Making Torque from Wind,” held at Delft University, The Netherlands, in April 2004. The conference was dedicated to everything from wind to torque, and progress was reported in the areas of wind description, resource assessment, wind forecasting, aerodynamics, and aeroelasticity, as well as in loads, dynamics, blade materials and construction, and design optimization. The Delft conference was jointly sponsored by the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE) and the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). It was the third European Special Topic conference, following previous conferences on offshore wind energy and grid issues, although it was the first involving the EAWE. The EAWE has been organized by the leading European wind-energy research institutes and universities to form a unique European Network of Wind-Energy Excellence and to develop a critical mass in internationally oriented wind-energy research. The Academy will pursue joint research with the industry and cooperative projects within the European Research Area, with many of the research projects integrated into educational programs leading to Ph.D. degrees.
We welcome your wind-energy-related technical papers, discussion papers, and solar scenery ideas. Contributions should be submitted to the ASME Journals Digital Submission Web site at That site contains links that will direct you to web pages that explain, in detail, the style, contents, and requirements associated with journal publication. The site will also guide you through the submission process and will enable you to stay informed of the status of the review of your contribution.
Dale E. Berg
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Panagiotis (Takis) Chaviaropoulos
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES)
Pikermi, Greece
JSEE Associate Editors (Wind Energy)