The beginning of 2003 brings an exciting change for the Journal. I am pleased to announce that beginning this month, the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering is initiating on-line submittal and review of papers. Authors should now submit papers through the ASME Journal web site: Guidelines for manuscript styling and preparation are provided at the site. Manuscripts posted on the web will become accessible to referees shortly after submission. Correspondence with reviewers and authors will be through email. The new submittal and review process is part of our continuing effort to expedite the review process and to make the JSEE more attractive to authors and readers.

This issue contains two of the Best Papers awarded at the Solar Energy Division’s annual conference, Solar Forum 2002: Parametric Study of a Simplified Ice Storage Model Operating Under Conventional and Optimal Control Strategies by G. Henze and Short-Term Characterization of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Panels by A. H. Fanney, B. P. Dougherty, and M. W. Davis. Each year, the Technical Committees of the division select best papers from those presented at one of their sponsored conferences. An announcement for the upcoming Solar Energy Division 2003 conference is included at the end of this issue. Authors of ASME conference papers may also publish their papers in the JSEE. An expedited dual review process for the JSEE is available for authors who submit papers to ASME conferences sponsored or co-sponsored by the Solar Energy Division.

As we do each February, this issue contains a list of names of reviewers whose efforts are so critical to the successful operation and quality of the Journal. I want to add my personal thanks to the reviewers for 2002 and to the Editorial Board of thirteen Associate Editors. In particular, I acknowledge the valuable contributions and hard work of Dr. Andy Swift whose second term as Associate Editor for Solar Ponds was completed in 2002. I am also pleased to announce that Dr. Vince Mei and Dr. Dale Berg have been appointed to their second three-year term on the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board welcomes one new Associate Editor. Dr. Thomas Mancini is the Associate Editor for Emerging Technology and Policy, a new topical area. He will handle the solicitation and review of submittals for the Solar Scenery and Discussion sections of the Journal. Dr. Mancini has a distinguished career in solar energy R&D and energy policy, and we are pleased to welcome him back to the Editorial Board. Previously, he served six years as Associate Editor for Solar Thermal Power. Dr. Mancini is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories.