Q345R steel is the most commonly used material in fabrication of the pressure vessels and boilers in China, due to its excellent properties. In 2010, ASME code case 2642 accepted Q345R steel for use in construction of pressure vessels. The code case specified impact test exemption curve A for the impact test requirements for Q345R. However, this provision severely limits the application of this material at low temperature, since most of the minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) of curve A is above the freezing point. In this paper, a series of tests (such as uniaxial tensile test, impact test, and fracture toughness test) were carried out at low temperature to investigate the mechanical properties of Q345R steel plates with thickness of 36–80 mm. This study of low temperature usage of Q345R steel was conducted using the fracture mechanics assessment procedure of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1. The fracture toughness is given by master curve (MC) method in the transition regime. The results show that Q345R can be used at lower temperature and that classifying Q345R steel into curve D is appropriate.
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December 2015
Applicability of the ASME Exemption Curve for Chinese Pressure Vessel Steel Q345R
Qingfeng Cui,
Qingfeng Cui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: cqf_mail@163.com
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: cqf_mail@163.com
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Hu Hui,
Hu Hui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: huihu@ecust.edu.cn
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: huihu@ecust.edu.cn
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PeiNing Li
PeiNing Li
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: lpn_mail@163.com
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: lpn_mail@163.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Qingfeng Cui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: cqf_mail@163.com
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: cqf_mail@163.com
Hu Hui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: huihu@ecust.edu.cn
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: huihu@ecust.edu.cn
PeiNing Li
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: lpn_mail@163.com
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
e-mail: lpn_mail@163.com
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received August 6, 2014; final manuscript received May 13, 2015; published online August 6, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Allen C. Smith.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Dec 2015, 137(6): 061602 (7 pages)
Published Online: August 6, 2015
Article history
August 6, 2014
Revision Received:
May 13, 2015
Cui, Q., Hui, H., and Li, P. (August 6, 2015). "Applicability of the ASME Exemption Curve for Chinese Pressure Vessel Steel Q345R." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. December 2015; 137(6): 061602. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4030673
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