Flow-induced tube vibration can cause dynamic interactions between a tube and its supports. Both wear information and results from vibration analyses are needed to achieve a realistic assessment of long-term tube wear. Normal and oblique impact forces at the tube supports characterize dynamic interaction between tube and tube-support, and can be correlated to the rate of fretting-wear. A statistical analysis of the force signal provides an indication of the time distribution of various force levels during a vibration cycle. Different schemes for obtaining a weighted sum of these force levels were developed to account for changes in excitation levels, tube/support clearance, and the type of tube motion. With one of the schemes, the correlation to measured wear data was good. Therefore, fretting-wear can be estimated directly from the analytically predicted support impact force in a steam generator or heat exchanger tube. The effects of other support parameters, such as tube support land area, can be added to the empirical equation. A series of tests involving the three parameters mentioned were performed in room temperature water. Forces along two orthogonal axes at the support were recorded and analysed. The paper presents the results of these tests and shows the correlation between the wear results and the force functions. A computer code for predicting tube/support dynamic interaction is used to estimate wear damages from the experimental force-wear correlation.
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February 1984
Research Papers
Correlation of Support Impact Force and Fretting-Wear for a Heat Exchanger Tube
P. L. Ko,
P. L. Ko
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario, Canada
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H. Basista
H. Basista
Waterloo University, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada
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P. L. Ko
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario, Canada
H. Basista
Waterloo University, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Feb 1984, 106(1): 69-77 (9 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 1984
Article history
August 8, 1983
November 29, 1983
November 5, 2009
Ko, P. L., and Basista, H. (February 1, 1984). "Correlation of Support Impact Force and Fretting-Wear for a Heat Exchanger Tube." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. February 1984; 106(1): 69–77. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3264311
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