
A small-scale, compressive-load test program was conducted at Chevron to determine the strength of tubular members with 1 to 3 holes. The parameters evaluated include the hole size, hole shape, hole location, and number of holes. Results from these tests provide a basis for platform ultimate strength calculations that are needed in making decisions on platform repairs. More than 50 specimens were tested in air under displacment control. Test specimen lengths were limited by the test apparatus to 45 in. (1,143 mm). Tubulars used in the test had an outside diameter of 3.5 in. (89 mm), which gave member slenderness ratios of about 40. The tests were needed because of the lack of relevant compression tests on members with holes. Based on test results, there appears to be a limiting value of hole size below which the compression-load capacity of the member is practically not affected by the existence of the hole. For example, a hole that is 10 percent of the member diameter does not significantly reduce member strength. This means remedial treatment is not necessary for many small holes, when ultimate strength is the controlling consideration. Nonlinear finite element shell analyses using both ADINA and FACTS computer programs and a simplified analysis using DENTA-II PC program were performed and results compared with data. We found that nonlinear finite element programs provide good predictions of capacities of members with holes, and that a simplified DENTA-II program provides adequate and efficient predictions.

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