This article highlights various topics covered in ASME Standard and Certification’s Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Joint Assembly. This major revision focuses on significant additions to capture proven assembly knowledge, which impacts safety, efficiency, best practice, and cost reduction. In addition, the revision recommends that gaskets be not reused. This inclusion was made based on field experience with joint leakage or flange facing damage where gaskets, in particular RTJ gaskets, are reused. Appendix P provides guidance and a series of checklists designed to guide the user through an investigation of joint leakage. ASME PCC-1-2010 represents a step change in the level of detail provided for guidance on bolted joint assembly and will represent a significant body of work for the international improvement of the integrity of bolted flanged joints. The undertaking and commitment by the subcommittee members was significant; however, it is believed that the benefit to industry from this revision will be commensurate.

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