A product called Design Suite by In Part, Saratoga, CA, promises to reform design catalogs upright, creative, and efficient. Pro/ENGINEER models are fully parametric and include envelope dimensions and embedded parameters, such as mass properties and part number. InPart also includes Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) models that enable users to view the part in three dimensions before downloading it. InPart says that every model goes through a quality assurance check to ensure that it represents a repeatable, detailed, and accurate model. Then the manufacturer conducts a review. Finally, InPart conducts a second check. InPart also offers Alert Assurance, a notification system that sends e-mail to alert customers to changes in a part they have used and asks if they would like an updated part. Manufacturers are said to be contractually obligated to notify InPart, even before their own customers, of product changes, so InPart's customers are the first to know about a product change.
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July 1998
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Surfing for Virtual Parts
New Software on the Internet makes finding the Right Component for a Design Project Almost as Easy as Clicking and Dragging.
Bruno Valdes is an advisory engineer with IBM's Storage Products Division in Sail Jose, Calif.
Mechanical Engineering. Jul 1998, 120(07): 75-76 (2 pages)
Published Online: July 1, 1998
Valdes, B. (July 1, 1998). "Surfing for Virtual Parts." ASME. Mechanical Engineering. July 1998; 120(07): 75–76. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1998-JUL-7
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