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About the Journal

The ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy (JESMDT) is a unique publishing forum for the international community of engineers, scientists and medical researchers with a shared vision to use knowledge from mechanical engineering as well as other engineering and scientific disciplines to accelerate biomedical innovation, trial and commercialization. This journal will focus on lab-proven biomedical and biotechnology applications that contribute to achieving T1 translational research objectives and moving research from bench to bedside.

Scope: Clinical Diagnostics, Imaging and Characterization; Therapeutic Techniques, Equipment and Procedures; Clinical Applications of Biomaterials, Chemical Processes and Pharmaceuticals; Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine; Cell Physiology and Applied Mechanics; Computers in Medicine and Biotechnology; Drug and Gene Delivery Science and Biopharmaceuticals; Cancer Diagnostics and Treatments; Electro-mechanical and Chemical Sensors Technology; Wave Propagations in Medical Applications, including Vibration, Acoustics, Ultrasound and Electrography; Sports Medicine and Prevention of Impact Injury; Mechanopharmacology and Mechanobiochemistry; Clinical System Dynamics and Control; Engineering and Science in Clinical Applications

Diversity and Inclusion The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.

Frequency: Quarterly (2018)

ISSN: 2572-7958
eISSN: 2572-7966

Title History
Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy (ISSN: 2572-7958), 2017 - Present

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