For efficiently estimating the dynamic failure probability of the structure with the multiple temporal and spatial parameters, a transferred limit state function technique is first proposed in this paper. By finding the effective first-crossing point which controls the failure of the structural system, the transferred technique is constructed to transform the dynamic reliability problem into a static one. For determining the effective first-crossing point, the parameter domain is first divided into different dominant domain corresponding to every parameter. Based on the parameter dominant domain, the first-crossing point about each parameter is obtained by comparing the difference value between the point on the failure boundary and the corresponding parameter upper bound. Finally, the effective first-crossing point is determined by finding the point which controls the structure failure. With the transferred technique, two strategies (including the sparse grid integration based on fourth-moment method and the maximum entropy based on dimensional reduction method) are proposed to efficiently estimate the dynamic failure probability. Several examples are employed to illustrate the significance and effectiveness of the transferred technique and the proposed methods for solving the multiple temporal and spatial parameters dynamic reliability. The results show that the proposed methods can estimate the multiple temporal and spatial parameters dynamic failure probability efficiently and accurately.
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December 2017
Reliability Analysis for Structures With Multiple Temporal and Spatial Parameters Based on the Effective First-Crossing Point
Yan Shi,
Yan Shi
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Zhenzhou Lu,
Zhenzhou Lu
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Kaichao Zhang,
Kaichao Zhang
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
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Yuhao Wei
Yuhao Wei
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Yan Shi
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Zhenzhou Lu
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Kaichao Zhang
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Yuhao Wei
School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi'an 710072, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Design Automation Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received January 16, 2017; final manuscript received August 12, 2017; published online October 3, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Xiaoping Du.
J. Mech. Des. Dec 2017, 139(12): 121403 (9 pages)
Published Online: October 4, 2017
Article history
January 16, 2017
August 12, 2017
Shi, Y., Lu, Z., Zhang, K., and Wei, Y. (October 4, 2017). "Reliability Analysis for Structures With Multiple Temporal and Spatial Parameters Based on the Effective First-Crossing Point." ASME. J. Mech. Des. December 2017; 139(12): 121403.
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