The true stress-strain curves of polycrystalline aluminum, copper, and stainless steel are shown to be adequately represented by an exponential approach to a saturation stress over a significant range. This empirical law, which was first proposed by Voce, is expanded to describe the temperature and strain-rate dependence, and is put on a physical foundation in the framework of dislocation storage and dynamic recovery rates. The formalism can be applied to the steady-state limit of creep in the same range of temperatures and strain rates; the stress exponent of the creep rate must, as a consequence, be strongly temperature dependent, the activation energy weakly stress dependent. Near half the melting temperature, where available work-hardening data and available creep data overlap, they match. Extrapolation of the proposed law to higher temperatures suggests that no new mechanisms may be necessary to describe high-temperature creep. A new differential equation for transient creep also follows from the empirical work-hardening law.
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January 1976
Research Papers
Laws for Work-Hardening and Low-Temperature Creep
U. F. Kocks
U. F. Kocks
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ill.
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U. F. Kocks
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ill.
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Jan 1976, 98(1): 76-85 (10 pages)
Published Online: January 1, 1976
Article history
April 25, 1975
July 25, 1975
August 17, 2010
Kocks, U. F. (January 1, 1976). "Laws for Work-Hardening and Low-Temperature Creep." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. January 1976; 98(1): 76–85.
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