Heat transfer through solar fins and rooted fins is analyzed theoretically in this work. The terminology of “solar fin” is used to refer to fins that are subject to external irradiations while the terminology “rooted fin” is used to refer to fins partially embedded in the base wall. One-dimensional heat transfer analysis is conducted and heat transfer rate through the fin, fin efficiency, as well as other performance indicators are obtained. It is found that the fin efficiency of the solar fins is maximized at certain fin indices and that rooted fins are preferable over ordinary fins for a wide range of fin indices. This range of fin indices is summarized in a correlation for insulated walls or insulated fin roots. Moreover, the minimum fin length that maximizes fin heat transfer is found to increase as solar irradiation intensity increases for solar fins subjected partially to solar irradiations. Finally, this work provides new passive methods for enhancing heat transfer in thermal systems.

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A Heat Transfer Textbook
Cambridge, MA
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Efficiency of Extended Surfaces
Trans. ASME
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