At present, most of the developed neutron dosimeters used to measure the neutron ambient dose-equivalent that has a moderator with a single counter, applied in neutron radiation fields within large range energies from thermal to MeV neutrons, are not a satisfaction to energy response. The purpose of this article is to design a suitable neutron dosimeter for radiation protection purpose. In order to overcome the disadvantage of the energy response of the neutron dosimeters combining a single sphere with a single counter, three spheres and three counters were combined for the detector design. The response function of moderators with different thicknesses combined with SP9 counters were calculated with Monte Carlo code MCNP 4C. The selection of three different thicknesses of the moderating polyethylene sphere was done with a MATLAB program. A suitable combination of three different thicknesses was confirmed for the detector design. The electronic system of the neutron dosimeter was introduced. The results of ambient dose-equivalent per unit fluence in different radiation areas were calculated, analyzed, and compared with the values recommended in the ISO standard. The calculated result explains that it is very significant to this design of neutron dosimeter; it may be applied to the monitor of the ambient dose in the neutron radiation fields, improving at present the status of the energy response of neutron dosimeters.
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August 2011
Technical Briefs
The Design of an Ambient Neutron Dose-Equivalent Meter
Xia Wenming,
Xia Wenming
College of Naval Architecture and Power,
Naval University of Engineering
, 717 Jie-fang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei 430033, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Jia Mingchun,
Jia Mingchun
College of Naval Architecture and Power,
Naval University of Engineering
, 717 Jie-fang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei 430033, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Guo Zhirong
Guo Zhirong
719 Research Institute,
China Shipbuilding Industry Company
, 450 Zhong-shan Road, Wuhan, Hubei 430064, China
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Xia Wenming
College of Naval Architecture and Power,
Naval University of Engineering
, 717 Jie-fang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei 430033, Chinae-mail:
Jia Mingchun
College of Naval Architecture and Power,
Naval University of Engineering
, 717 Jie-fang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei 430033, Chinae-mail:
Guo Zhirong
719 Research Institute,
China Shipbuilding Industry Company
, 450 Zhong-shan Road, Wuhan, Hubei 430064, Chinae-mail:
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Aug 2011, 133(8): 084501 (4 pages)
Published Online: April 8, 2011
Article history
July 3, 2010
July 4, 2010
April 8, 2011
April 8, 2011
Wenming, X., Mingchun, J., and Zhirong, G. (April 8, 2011). "The Design of an Ambient Neutron Dose-Equivalent Meter." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. August 2011; 133(8): 084501.
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