This paper contains many design and operating data furnished by makers of hearings for the trade and for machinery of their own manufacture. The poll of such manufacturers is by no means comprehensive hut it includes several of the larger firms. The data are available for critical examination and study with relation to advanced theoretical analyses of bearing problems.
Many of the data are tabulated and classified on charts, the most useful of which has as its coordinates the pressure and the velocity. Upon this chart are applied special scales showing some of Dr. Albert Kingsbury’s “Optimum Conditions for Journal Bearings.”
Examples are given showing how these analytical laws can be useful in the solution of simple practical problems of bearing design.
The selection of a lubricant of suitable viscosity is explained by means of a chart that may be entered with the calculated absolute-viscosity coefficient at operating temperature, and will yield the required commercial viscosity in Saybolt or Redwood seconds or Engler number, for a mineral oil of any base.