Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division October 31, 2003; revised manuscript received July 7, 2004. Associate Editor: Georges L. Chahine.
The unsteady flow in and near cavity-type geometries, which belongs to a basic class of flow susceptible to self-excited oscillations, occurs in a variety of applications such as slotted-wall wind and water tunnels. Despite the diversity of types of cavity oscillations, several common features can be observed. According to the inducement cause of self-excited oscillations, Rockwell and Naudascher 1 2 categorized self-excited oscillations into three groups: (a) fluid-dynamic; (b) fluid-resonant; and (c) fluid-elastic. It is necessary to investigate the characteristics of self-excited oscillations in flow in order to utilize or avoid the self-excited oscillations in practical engineering situation.
Morel 3 experimentally studied a jet-driven Helmholtz oscillator. The amplitude of pressure oscillations may reach values...