The use of pumping methods in offshore applications has become common especially in viscous oil production. This follow from the fact they present better efficiency and higher production rate than other lift methods when used in the same conditions, for instance gas lift. Thus, a lift method that has been often used on this scenario due to its satisfactory results is the subsea electrical submersible pump (subsea ESP). This article presents the modeling and simulations of petroleum production facilities equipped with subsea ESP using a commercial software package, the pipesim® from Schlumberger. The production facilities consist of a single vertical producing well completed through its whole thickness in an offshore reservoir. It has been proposed two configurations differing only on the location of the equipment. In the first case, the subsea ESP was installed inside the wellbore and, in the second case on the seabed downstream the wet X-tree. The production rate was simulated for both cases, allowing comparison of the results of each configuration.
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UFES SPE Student Chapter,
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March 2014
Subsea Electrical Submersible Pump Significance in Petroleum Offshore Production
Oldrich Joel Romero,
UFES SPE Student Chapter,
Rodovia BR 101 Norte,
Oldrich Joel Romero
Federal University of Espirito Santo – UFES
,UFES SPE Student Chapter,
Rodovia BR 101 Norte,
km 60, Litoraneo
,Sao Mateus, ES 29932-540
, Brazil
1Corresponding author.
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Anderson Hupp
Anderson Hupp
Well Site Drilling Engineer,
PetroReconcavo SA
, Brazil
Search for other works by this author on:
Oldrich Joel Romero
Federal University of Espirito Santo – UFES
,UFES SPE Student Chapter,
Rodovia BR 101 Norte,
km 60, Litoraneo
,Sao Mateus, ES 29932-540
, Brazil
Anderson Hupp
Well Site Drilling Engineer,
PetroReconcavo SA
, Brazil
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Petroleum Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received October 17, 2012; final manuscript received August 13, 2013; published online September 12, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Christopher J. Wajnikonis.
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Mar 2014, 136(1): 012902 (8 pages)
Published Online: September 12, 2013
Article history
October 17, 2012
Revision Received:
August 13, 2013
Joel Romero, O., and Hupp, A. (September 12, 2013). "Subsea Electrical Submersible Pump Significance in Petroleum Offshore Production." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. March 2014; 136(1): 012902.
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