An optimization for the geometrical parameters of continuous fins on an array of tubes of a refrigeration evaporator is developed in this paper using the exergy method. The method is based on exergy, economic analysis, and optimization theory. As there are humid air and refrigerant single- and two-phase streams involved in the heat transfer process, then there are irreversibilities or exergy destruction, due to pressure losses , due to temperature difference and due to specific humidity gradient . These principal components of total irreversibility are not independent, and their relative contribution to total irreversibility of a cross-flow refrigeration evaporator is investigated. A change in geometry was obtained by varying the evaporator tube diameter for a selected evaporator capacity, and hence the evaporator tube length and total heat transfer area are calculated for a fixed evaporator face length. In this way, the effect of changes in the geometry on the total number of exergy destruction units of the heat exchange process is investigated. The optimum balance between the three components of irreversibility (, and ) is also determined, thereby giving the optimum solution for the heat exchanger area. The total cost function, which provides a measure of the contribution of the evaporator to the total cost of the refrigeration system, is expressed on the basis of annual capital and electrical energy costs. The total cost function is minimized with respect to the total heat transfer area and the total number of exergy destruction units . The relationship between the operational variables, heat transfer area, refrigerant and air irreversibilities, and the total annual cost for this type of evaporator are developed, presented, and discussed. The pressure, temperature, and specific humidity irreversibilities are found to be 30.34%, 33.78%, and 35.88%, respectively, of the total irreversibility, which is 8.5% of the evaporator capacity.
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September 2007
Research Papers
Application of Exergoeconomic Techniques to the Optimization of a Refrigeration Evaporator Coil With Continuous Fins
Tahar Khir,
Tahar Khir
Jeddah College of Technology
, P.O. Box 42204, Jeddah 21 541, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tahar Khir has performed his engineering education at the University of Tunis (Tunisia), High School of Technical Education, and was awarded a MS degree in mechanical engineering and technical education in 1983. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in energetic systems and energy management from University of Paris XII, Paris Valle De Marne (France) in February 1987. He has worked as a university lecturer and then as Associate Professor at the University of Sfax (Tunisia), Gabes High Institute of Technology during 1988–1998. His research works have been in thermal process analysis and two-phase flow fields. He has published numerous journal and conference papers. Since August 1998, he has been working as an associate professor at Jeddah College of Technology (Saudi Arabia).
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Rahim K. Jassim,
Rahim K. Jassim
Yanbu Industrial College
, Royal Commission For Jubail and Yanbu, P.O. Box 30436, Yanbu Industrial City 21 477, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Rahim K. Jassim is an associate professor of mechanical engineering technology, Yanbu Industrial College, Saudi Arabia. He received his BSc (Hons) in mechanical engineering and technical education from the University, of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq in 1987. He obtained his Ph. D. in mechanical engineering from the University of London, QMW College, U.K. in 1992. His research work covers exergoeconomic optimization of thermal systems, and he has published numerous reviewed technical papers and technical reports. In 1999, he was awarded a MS degree in engineering management from The University of Auckland (NZ). He has vast experience in refrigeration and air conditioning systems and project management.
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Galal M. Zaki
Galal M. Zaki
King Abdulaziz University
, P.O. Box 80204, Jeddah 21 587, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Galal M. Zaki is a professor of mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. He graduated from Alexandria University, Egypt, with a B.Sc. in mechanical power engineering in 1965. He obtained his M.Sc. degree from Cairo University in 1969, and Dr. Ing. from NIT (Norsk Institute of Technology) the University of Norway, Trondheim in Thermal Sciences in 1972. From 1965 he worked for the Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo and then joined the staff of El-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya in 1977. He also served as a research professor for the chemical and nuclear engineering department at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM until 1986. Prof. Zaki has supervised several research projects and published over 80 research articles in the areas of heat transfer, solar desalination, and energy in buildings.
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Tahar Khir
Tahar Khir has performed his engineering education at the University of Tunis (Tunisia), High School of Technical Education, and was awarded a MS degree in mechanical engineering and technical education in 1983. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in energetic systems and energy management from University of Paris XII, Paris Valle De Marne (France) in February 1987. He has worked as a university lecturer and then as Associate Professor at the University of Sfax (Tunisia), Gabes High Institute of Technology during 1988–1998. His research works have been in thermal process analysis and two-phase flow fields. He has published numerous journal and conference papers. Since August 1998, he has been working as an associate professor at Jeddah College of Technology (Saudi Arabia).
Jeddah College of Technology
, P.O. Box 42204, Jeddah 21 541, Kingdom of Saudi Arabiae-mail:
Rahim K. Jassim
Rahim K. Jassim is an associate professor of mechanical engineering technology, Yanbu Industrial College, Saudi Arabia. He received his BSc (Hons) in mechanical engineering and technical education from the University, of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq in 1987. He obtained his Ph. D. in mechanical engineering from the University of London, QMW College, U.K. in 1992. His research work covers exergoeconomic optimization of thermal systems, and he has published numerous reviewed technical papers and technical reports. In 1999, he was awarded a MS degree in engineering management from The University of Auckland (NZ). He has vast experience in refrigeration and air conditioning systems and project management.
Yanbu Industrial College
, Royal Commission For Jubail and Yanbu, P.O. Box 30436, Yanbu Industrial City 21 477, Kingdom of Saudi Arabiae-mail:
Galal M. Zaki
Galal M. Zaki is a professor of mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. He graduated from Alexandria University, Egypt, with a B.Sc. in mechanical power engineering in 1965. He obtained his M.Sc. degree from Cairo University in 1969, and Dr. Ing. from NIT (Norsk Institute of Technology) the University of Norway, Trondheim in Thermal Sciences in 1972. From 1965 he worked for the Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo and then joined the staff of El-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya in 1977. He also served as a research professor for the chemical and nuclear engineering department at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM until 1986. Prof. Zaki has supervised several research projects and published over 80 research articles in the areas of heat transfer, solar desalination, and energy in buildings.
King Abdulaziz University
, P.O. Box 80204, Jeddah 21 587, Kingdom of Saudi Arabiae-mail:
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Sep 2007, 129(3): 266-277 (12 pages)
Published Online: July 16, 2006
Article history
December 3, 2004
July 16, 2006
Khir, T., Jassim, R. K., and Zaki, G. M. (July 16, 2006). "Application of Exergoeconomic Techniques to the Optimization of a Refrigeration Evaporator Coil With Continuous Fins." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. September 2007; 129(3): 266–277.
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