The power output of gas turbines (GT) reduces greatly with the increase of the inlet air temperature. This is a serious problem because gas turbines have been used traditionally to provide electricity during the peak power demands, and the peak power demands in many areas occur on summer afternoons. An aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) was employed for cooling of the inlet air of the GT. Water from a confined aquifer was cooled in winter and was injected back into the aquifer. The stored chilled water was withdrawn in summer to cool the GT inlet air. The heated water was then injected back into the aquifer. A GT power plant with 6 and of operation per day, along with a two-well aquifer, was considered for analysis. The purpose of this investigation was to estimate the GT performance improvement. The conventional inlet air cooling methods such as evaporative cooling, fogging and absorption refrigeration were studied and compared with the ATES system. It was shown that for of operation per day, the power output and efficiency of the GT on the warmest day of the year could be increased from 16.5 to and from 31.8% to 34.2%, respectively. The performance of the ATES system was the best among the cooling methods considered on the warmest day of the year. The use of ATES is a viable option for the increase of gas turbines power output and efficiency, provided that suitable confined aquifers are available at their sites. Air cooling in ATES is not dependent on the wet-bulb temperature and therefore can be used in humid areas. This system can also be used in combined cycle power plants.
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June 2007
Research Papers
Performance Evaluation of a Gas Turbine Operating Noncontinuously with its Inlet Air Cooled Through an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
Farhad Behafarid,
Farhad Behafarid
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Sharif University of Technology
, Azadi Blvd, Tehran, Iran
Farhad Behafarid received his Bs degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tehran in 2001, and his Ms degree in mechanical engineering from Sharif Univ. of Technology in 2003. He is planning to continue his PhD studies at a university in the United States.
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Mehdi N. Bahadori
Mehdi N. Bahadori
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Sharif University of Technology
, Azadi Blvd, Tehran, Iran
Mehdi N. Bahadori received his PhD degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois in 1964. He is currently a professor of mechanical engineering at Sharif University of Technology, in Tehran.
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Farhad Behafarid
Farhad Behafarid received his Bs degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tehran in 2001, and his Ms degree in mechanical engineering from Sharif Univ. of Technology in 2003. He is planning to continue his PhD studies at a university in the United States.
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Sharif University of Technology
, Azadi Blvd, Tehran, Irane-mail:
Mehdi N. Bahadori
Mehdi N. Bahadori received his PhD degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois in 1964. He is currently a professor of mechanical engineering at Sharif University of Technology, in Tehran.
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Sharif University of Technology
, Azadi Blvd, Tehran, Irane-mail:
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Jun 2007, 129(2): 117-124 (8 pages)
Published Online: December 10, 2006
Article history
April 13, 2006
December 10, 2006
Behafarid, F., and Bahadori, M. N. (December 10, 2006). "Performance Evaluation of a Gas Turbine Operating Noncontinuously with its Inlet Air Cooled Through an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. June 2007; 129(2): 117–124.
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