A membrane-based humidifier that uses cooling water of a fuel cell system to humidify the inlet air is modeled and analyzed in this paper. This four-state lumped model is simple and yet captures the humidification behavior accurately. A peculiar characteristic of this system is the fact that it exhibits nonminimum-phase (NMP) behavior. The reason the NMP behavior exists and the effect of system parameters on the location of the NMP zero are analyzed. A proportional control algorithm is proposed to reject the effect of system disturbances, and a feed-forward algorithm is developed to ensure proper humidifier operation under air flow rate changes. Because the NMP zero exists in the disturbance-to-output loop, the proposed algorithm was found to successfully eliminate the undershoot phenomena associated with the NMP zero. However, the disturbance-to-output loop is coupled with input-to-output loop, and the NMP zero could affect the feedback control design.
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July 2008
Technical Briefs
Nonminimum-Phase Phenomenon of PEM Fuel Cell Membrane Humidifiers
Dongmei Chen,
Dongmei Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
Search for other works by this author on:
Huei Peng
Huei Peng
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
e-mail: hpeng@umich.edu
University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
Search for other works by this author on:
Dongmei Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
Huei Peng
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125e-mail: hpeng@umich.edu
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Jul 2008, 130(4): 044501 (9 pages)
Published Online: June 4, 2008
Article history
March 4, 2005
February 3, 2008
June 4, 2008
Chen, D., and Peng, H. (June 4, 2008). "Nonminimum-Phase Phenomenon of PEM Fuel Cell Membrane Humidifiers." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. July 2008; 130(4): 044501. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2936381
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