This paper proposes to extend the set of causality assignment procedures. The proposed alternative procedures are mainly inspired by formulations developed in the mechanical domain. They enable Lagrange equations, Hamilton equations, and Boltzmann-Hamel equations to be obtained, as well as formulations with the Lagrange multipliers. In the context of system modeling a varied set of mechanical oriented equations are available in a systematic way from the bond graph representation and the proposed corresponding procedures provide an algorithmic frame for programming these mathematical formulations. The graphical features of the bond graph tool and the causality stroke concept enable formulations to be methodically obtained, formulations that can otherwise be very awkward to express. Also these procedures emphasize certain interesting properties of the bond graph tool e.g.: there is a clear distinction between the energy topology of a system and its dynamic equations; it also enables graphic structural analyses to be undertaken; and finally it can play a pedagogical role in engineering education.
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September 2002
Technical Papers
Alternative Causality Assignment Procedures in Bond Graph for Mechanical Systems
Wilfrid Marquis-Favre,
Wilfrid Marquis-Favre
Laboratoire d’Automatique Industrielle, Institut National des Sciences Applique´es de Lyon, Ba^timent Antoine de Saint Exupe´ry, 25, avenue Jean Capelle, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
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Serge Scavarda
Serge Scavarda
Laboratoire d’Automatique Industrielle, Institut National des Sciences Applique´es de Lyon, Ba^timent Antoine de Saint Exupe´ry, 25, avenue Jean Capelle, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
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Wilfrid Marquis-Favre
Laboratoire d’Automatique Industrielle, Institut National des Sciences Applique´es de Lyon, Ba^timent Antoine de Saint Exupe´ry, 25, avenue Jean Capelle, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Serge Scavarda
Laboratoire d’Automatique Industrielle, Institut National des Sciences Applique´es de Lyon, Ba^timent Antoine de Saint Exupe´ry, 25, avenue Jean Capelle, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL. Manuscript received by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division January 29, 2001. Associate Editor: E. Fahrenthold.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Sep 2002, 124(3): 457-463 (7 pages)
Published Online: July 23, 2002
Article history
January 29, 2001
July 23, 2002
Marquis-Favre, W., and Scavarda, S. (July 23, 2002). "Alternative Causality Assignment Procedures in Bond Graph for Mechanical Systems ." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. September 2002; 124(3): 457–463.
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