In this paper, a systematic scheme is proposed and novel technologies are developed to automatically reconstruct a CAD model from a set of point clouds scanned from the boundary surface of an existing object. The proposed scheme is composed of three major steps. In the first step, multiple input point clouds are incrementally integrated into a watertight triangle mesh to recover the object shape. In the second step, mesh segmentation is applied to the triangle mesh to extract individual geometric feature surfaces. Finally, the manifold topology describing the connectivity information between different geometric surfaces is automatically extracted and the mathematical description of each geometric feature is computed. The computed topology and geometry information represented in ACIS modeling kernel form a CAD model that may be used for various downstream applications. Compared with prior work, the proposed approach has the unique advantage that the processes of recognizing geometric features and of reconstructing CAD models are fully automated. Integrated with state of the art scanning devices, the developed model reconstruction method can be used to support reverse engineering of high precision mechanical components. It has potential applications to many engineering problems with a major impact on rapid design and prototyping, shape analysis, and virtual reality.
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September 2002
Technical Papers
Automatic CAD Model Reconstruction from Multiple Point Clouds for Reverse Engineering
Jianbing Huang, Member ASME,
Jianbing Huang, Member ASME
2321 North Loop Dr., EDS PLM Solutions, Ames, Iowa 50010-8281
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Chia-Hsiang Menq, Fellow, ASME
Chia-Hsiang Menq, Fellow, ASME
Coordinate Metrology and Measurement Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1154
Search for other works by this author on:
Jianbing Huang, Member ASME
2321 North Loop Dr., EDS PLM Solutions, Ames, Iowa 50010-8281
Chia-Hsiang Menq, Fellow, ASME
Coordinate Metrology and Measurement Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1154
Contributed by the Computer Aided Product Development (CAPD) Committee for publication in the JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING. Manuscript received Nov. 2001; Revised Oct. 2002. Associate Editor: D. Rosen.
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. Sep 2002, 2(3): 160-170 (11 pages)
Published Online: January 2, 2003
Article history
November 1, 2001
October 1, 2002
January 2, 2003
Huang, J., and Menq, C. (January 2, 2003). "Automatic CAD Model Reconstruction from Multiple Point Clouds for Reverse Engineering ." ASME. J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. September 2002; 2(3): 160–170.
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