The fracture mechanics of plates and shells under membrane, bending, twisting, and shearing loads are reviewed, starting with the crack tip fields for plane stress, Kirchhoff, and Reissner theories. The energy release rate for each of these theories is calculated and is used to determine the relation between the Kirchhoff and Reissner theories for thin plates. For thicker plates, this relationship is explored using three-dimensional finite element analysis. The validity of the application of two-dimensional (plate theory) solutions to actual three-dimensional objects is analyzed and discussed. Crack tip fields in plates undergoing large deflection are analyzed using von Ka´rma´n theory. Solutions for cracked shells are discussed as well. A number of computational methods for determining stress intensity factors in plates and shells are discussed. Applications of these computational approaches to aircraft structures are examined. The relatively few experimental studies of fracture in plates under bending and twisting loads are also reviewed. There are 101 references cited in this article.
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January 2005
Review Articles
Fracture Mechanics of Thin Plates and Shells Under Combined Membrane, Bending, and Twisting Loads
Alan T. Zehnder,
Alan T. Zehnder
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853–1502
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Mark J. Viz
Mark J. Viz
Exponent Failure Analysis Associates, Chicago, IL 60606
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Alan T. Zehnder
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853–1502
Mark J. Viz
Exponent Failure Analysis Associates, Chicago, IL 60606
Contributed by Associate Editor KP Hermann.
Appl. Mech. Rev. Jan 2005, 58(1): 37-48 (12 pages)
Published Online: March 8, 2005
Article history
March 8, 2005
Zehnder, A. T., and Viz, M. J. (March 8, 2005). "Fracture Mechanics of Thin Plates and Shells Under Combined Membrane, Bending, and Twisting Loads ." ASME. Appl. Mech. Rev. January 2005; 58(1): 37–48.
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