By applying a methodology useful for analysis of complex fluids based on a synergistic combination of experiments, computer simulations, and theoretical investigation, a model was built to investigate the fluid dynamics of granular flows in an intermediate regime, where both collisional and frictional interactions may affect the flow behavior. In Part I, experiments were described using a modified Newton’s Cradle device to obtain values for the viscous damping coefficient, which were scarce in the literature. This paper discusses detailed simulations of frictional interactions between the grains during a binary collision by employing a numerical model based on finite element methods. Numerical results are presented of slipping, and sticking motions of a first grain over the second one. The key was to utilize the results of the aforementioned comprehensive model in order to provide a simplified model for accurate and efficient granular-flow simulations with which the qualitative trends observed in the experiments can be captured. To validate the model, large scale simulations were performed for the specific case of granular flow in a rapidly spinning bucket. The model was able to reproduce experimentally observed flow phenomena, such as the formation of a depression in the center of the bucket spinning at high frequency of . This agreement suggests that the model may be a useful tool for the prediction of dense granular flows in industrial applications, but highlights the need for further experimental investigation of granular flows in order to refine the model.
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July 2007
Technical Papers
Complex Flow Dynamics in Dense Granular Flows—Part II: Simulations
Piroz Zamankhan,
Piroz Zamankhan
Laboratory of Computational Fluid & BioFluid Dynamics,
Lappeenranta University of Technology
, Lappeenranta 53851, Finland and Power and Water University of Technology
, School of Energy Engineering, P.O. Box 16765-1719, Tehran, Iran
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Jun Huang
Jun Huang
Laboratory of Computational Fluid & BioFluid Dynamics,
Lappeenranta University of Technology
, Lappeenranta 53851, Finland
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Piroz Zamankhan
Laboratory of Computational Fluid & BioFluid Dynamics,
Lappeenranta University of Technology
, Lappeenranta 53851, Finland and Power and Water University of Technology
, School of Energy Engineering, P.O. Box 16765-1719, Tehran, Irane-mail:
Jun Huang
Laboratory of Computational Fluid & BioFluid Dynamics,
Lappeenranta University of Technology
, Lappeenranta 53851, FinlandJ. Appl. Mech. Jul 2007, 74(4): 691-702 (12 pages)
Published Online: September 19, 2006
Article history
January 2, 2005
September 19, 2006
Zamankhan, P., and Huang, J. (September 19, 2006). "Complex Flow Dynamics in Dense Granular Flows—Part II: Simulations." ASME. J. Appl. Mech. July 2007; 74(4): 691–702.
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