Composite pressure vessels have been used for over 40 years in a variety of military, aerospace, marine, transportation, stationary, and vehicle applications. Codes, standards, and guidelines have been developed to address vessel performance in these high pressure applications by ASME and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). A risk or hazard identification analysis may be conducted during qualification and approval process. Prototype and qualification testing in these standards validate the design and anticipated operating conditions. Knowledge has been gained from qualification testing, field experience, and inspection that supports selection of materials and design configurations for marine and land based applications. Periodic inspection of vessels mitigates risk, particularly in terms of detecting environmental and mechanically induced damage before failure can occur. This paper was written jointly between ABS and Lincoln Composites through the certification process of Lincoln’s Titan™ project. This paper will outline qualification of technology and, testing requirements, as well as discuss the basis for hazard mitigation and material selection in the marine environment.

Paper published with permission.

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